Ministry of Labor: “Tashgheel” Program e-platform witnesses remarkable interest by private sector enterprises to register available job offers.

MOL continues this week its meetings with representatives of employers to present advantages of the National Employment Program.

Ministry of Labor stressed today Saturday that the National Employment Program e-platform “Tashgheel” had witnessed increasing interest by private sector enterprises and companies of all various economic sectors in all governorates to register available job offers to enable female and male youth benefit from the job offers posted at

The Ministry stated that the door is still open for private sector enterprises that had not registered yet to access the e-platform

joto announce available job offers to the Jordanian youth to benefit from the advantages of the Program to help private sector employ local labor force.

The Ministry stressed that it will continue meeting this week with employers’ representatives in the capital and the governorates to present details and benefits of the National Employment Program. The Ministry noted that the Program contributes with a monthly amount of JDs 150 for a period of six months. The amount represents JDs 130 worker’s wage contribution, JDs 10 transportation allowance, and JDs 10 being part of the social security subscription of the worker. Furthermore, the Program obligates non termination of any worker to benefit from the Program or employ a replacement, in addition that there is coordination with SSC to verify subscription of workers.

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