Disabilities Work

Persons with Disability Employment Section

I. The Ministry of Labor established a special section for the employment of persons with disabilities at the Employment Directorate in 2015 after the issuance of Jordan’s population census results which revealed that people with disabilities account for 11.2% of the population. People with disabilities employment rates registered with the Ministry’s systems were as follows:

Year Employees
2014 77
2015 310
2016 189
2017 283
2018 317
2019 489
2020 116
2021 Until October (165)


II. Coordinating with the inspection directorates to check adherence with the statutory percentages of people with disability employment, general safety criteria, and reasonable accommodation arrangements, through:

  • Inspection of the private establishments to check adherence with Article 13 of the Labor Law and Article 25 of the Law on the Right of Persons with Disabilities to Employment.
  • Raising the awareness of employers and job seekers about the Law on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
  • Receiving and following up workers’ complaints.
  • The results of the inspection campaigns of the private establishments to ensure the application of Article 13 of the Labor Law:
  • Period    No. of establishments inspected    No. of establishments adhering with Article 13    No. of violating establishments    No. of establishments meeting the conditions    Warning    Advice and guidance
Period No. of establishments inspected No. of establishments adhering with Article 13 No. of violating establishments No. of establishments meeting the conditions Warning Advice and guidance
2019 1075 272 106 697 45 54
2020 510 151 32 327 4 28
Until 1/9/2021 618 202 30 386 23 7


III. The Ministry issued Bylaw No. 35/2021 on Employment of Persons with Disability which initiates the Ministry’s supervisory role on the level of commitment to hire the statutory percentages, and providing reasonable accommodation arrangements by the companies.

IV. The Ministry of Labor ensured that persons with disability have access and reasonable accommodation arrangements at the Ministry’s building and affiliated labor directorates, allowing persons with disability to perform, and continue performing, their job duties or work.

V. In collaboration with the Higher Council for the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Ministry prepares instructions for the preparation or accreditation of training programs that enable persons with disability to perform their job duties.

VI. The Ministry is a member of the equal opportunities committee which was formed under the Law No. 20/2017 on the Rights of Persons with Disability, which reviews the complaints related to discrimination based on disability and provision of accommodation arrangements at the workplace.

VII. The Ministry issues a manual for employment of persons with disability, aiming at raising the awareness of the persons with disability or employers on the disability issues, and preparing a group of trainers to conduct several training programs for the partners concerned with the disability issues. Further, AI READY outreach videos on the legal rights of persons with disability, and how to interact with them properly, in addition to issuing a periodical awareness publication on the disability issues which is available on the Ministry's official website.

VIII. Cooperating with the international organizations to support the employment of persons with disability. The Ministry implemented the Project of Economic Empowerment and Social Participation of Persons with Disabilities, in collaboration with the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), which constitutes a critical turning point in the support of employment of persons with disability, and ensuring their continuation at the workplace, as the accredited labor trainer supports the persons with disability at the workplace, then the support is lifted gradually with the aim of continuation at the workplace. To this end, 13 labor TOTs have been accredited by the JICA, a training of labor trainers was implemented for the societies, companies, and the government sector, and labor trainers were accredited.
Periodic outreach publications on disability issues are prepared and published on the Ministry’s official website, and they are shared with the civil society organizations, professional associations, and employers to raise the awareness on the disability issues, and document the success stories of persons with disability who were hired at the private sector.


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