Human Trafficking Section

According to the memorandum of understanding, the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit includes the Anti-Human Trafficking Inspection Section from the Ministry of Labor that has been attached to the Unit to perform the work and missions required of them in the Unit, which are:

1.       Preparing annual plans for the implementation of the programs and tasks of the Section, and continuously monitoring their implementation, evaluation and development.
2.       Carrying out inspection visits to private establishments and institutions, and monitoring the violations listed in accordance with the provisions of Labor Law No. 8 of 1996, as amended and the regulations and instructions issued thereunder.
3.       Conducting visits to offices for the recruitment and employ of non-Jordanian domestic workers, and monitoring the violations listed in the provisions of Labor Law No. 8 of 1996, as amends and the regulations and instructions issued thereunder.
4.       Informing the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit if cases are found that may fall under human trafficking crimes during the inspection visits to take the legal procedures according to the laws and regulations in force.
5.       Establishing a database of anti-human trafficking.
6.       Conducting training programs in cooperation with the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit, international organizations and civil institutions, with the aim of training law enforcement officials on dealing with people most vulnerable to human trafficking and the mechanism for dealing with victims of human trafficking.
7.       Participating in workshops aimed at raising awareness among citizens and introducing them to the concept, indicators and forms of the crime of human trafficking.
8.       Preparing periodic reports and statistics related to the work of the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit in all its sections and the statistics of the victims being sheltered, and providing the Ministry with a copy of them.
9.       Any other missions to the Section assigned by the Commander of the Anti-Trafficking Unit.

Hotline number of the Anti-Human Trafficking Unit - 065530266
Link to the National Committee to Prevent Trafficking in Persons -


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