Career Guidance and Counselling Section
The labor market regulation is one of the Ministry of Labor’s paramount roles. In cooperation with various institutions, organizations, and the private sector, the Ministry seeks to improve the inclusion of the Jordanian youth in the different sectors and professions in the labor market.
Career counselling is important in view of the abstention of youth from working in many sectors and professions, and the requirements of Jordan’s labor market and the skills required from the youth.
Career guidance and counselling means “the process of equipping the targeted groups/job seekers with information about themselves, the educational system, and the labor market so that they can make proper decisions in relation to their educational and career choices, and advance the individuals’ personal, social, and career aspects, as well as their career planning.
Career counselling is important because it helps the youth select their educational specialization/ career that matches their abilities and qualifications, and match the young people’s aptitude and the available employment opportunities.
Overarching objectives of career counselling:
- Inform the individuals of the available academic and career specializations and their features, as well as the enrolment requirements.
- Help individuals to recognize their tendencies, aptitude, abilities, personality, and skills in relation to employment.
- Help individuals to select the academic specializations that match their aptitudes and abilities.
- Inform the job seekers of the type of jobs related to the different specializations.
- Help individuals to make the right decision selecting the career that matches their abilities.
Key counselling services provided by the Career Guidance and Counselling Sections in Jordan:
- Counselling and awareness sessions at universities.
- Counselling and awareness sessions at schools.
- Awareness workshops for employers aimed at, among others, reducing the employee turnover rate.
- Group career counselling sessions.
- In-depth/ One-on-one individual career counselling sessions.
- Dedicating a career counselling pavilion at the job fairs.
- Advancing the employment and career counselling services provided by the employment directorates and sections.
- Improving the capacities of the employment directorates and sections in the career counselling field.
- Regularly identifying the training needs of the career counselors.
- Making coordination to hold, and supervising the delivery of, training programs.
- Issuing the MOL career counselling manuals.
- Enabling the career counselors to provide the service to all the targeted groups.
- Preparing, and supervising implementation of, the annual plan of the directorate’s field activities.
- Coordinating and following up the implementation of field activities at the governorates level, in collaboration with the directorates, civil society organizations, the private sector, and some supporting partners.
- Preparing periodical reports of the field activities, and following them up as per the annual plans (monthly report on the field activities)
Existing projects
- Counselling projects with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ): The Employment Promotion Project (EPP), offer and supply match (YouMatch), and Skilled Crafts project.
- Forum of the entities operating in the employment and career counselling services with the ILO: The ILO Response to the Syrian Refugee Crisis.
- Development of the National Employment Platform (Sajjil), in cooperation with the IMF.